1-After update Unable to rearrange bookmarks within book marks (lower level) in Al Quran Android app. 2- Unable to scroll Bookmarks upper level in Window App.
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Jubair (User Support)
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
We’re currently making a a big update to our Windows app. We plan to have it ready soon insha'Allah.
The upcoming update will have several features as well as bug fixes to improve overall user experience.
Hopefully this update will fix the bug you're facing.
Jazakallah khair for your patience.
Taheratul Muattara
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah.
JazakAllahu khairan for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear about the issue you are facing. We want to investigate this issue further.
Please share with us the following details:
- Device model and OS version
- App version
- Screen recording of the issue via Google Drive link
These would help us identify the bug faster in shaa Allah.
1-After update Unable to rearrange bookmarks within book marks (lower level) in Al Quran Android app. 2- Unable to scroll Bookmarks upper level in Window App.