Hafs font: Font overlapping, Tashkeel rendering issues
in progress
App: Quran (Tafseer & by Word) v.1.26.0
Platform: Android 10
For word 17:111:21 the final double fathah appears merged with meem stop sign. Screenshot attached.
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Araf Mohammad Mahbub
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
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Error report
[Describe the error]
Ada salah tulis pada surat Al Baqarah :72.
Lihat lingkaran merah pada lampiran.
Harap dikoreksi dan update segera
Abdullah Malik
Language in
Translations [in_bahasa, in_tafsiribnkathir]
Font hafs.otf
Wbw Off
Mushaf 1
Tajweed false
Qari 2
Audio Directory /storage/3735-6532/Android/data/com.greentech.quran/files
Database path /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.greentech.quran/files
Theme 2
Sync ON false
Version 1.9.4 (70)
Android 10 (29)
Model M2004J19C
Brand Redmi
DeviceId: 00000000-2e82-0b5c-ffff-ffffef05ac4a
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
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Surah Baqarah 2:72, Word 4 not displayed correctly
There seems to be an error with how the word is displayed in all Uthmani/Madani fonts for verse by verse with translation section. No issues for this in Indo Pak font and in the full arabic texts.
Attached are the pictures for each font.
Thank you.
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
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why are you not adding the Calligraphic font?
what is the reason brother for not including the Calligraphic Uthmani quran font found in the Saudi mushafs? It is the beauty of calligraphy which forces me to recite, look & stay with the Quran. I'm missing this style of font in your app for many years. Before ignoring or closing this post please answer the reason & calm my curiosity:
- Is it software-wise impossible to add this font in the app?
- Or do you believe it is not just worth it?
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
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usmani font
The font in The attached photo you used in 'Al Quran Memoriser' app. Ain't I right?
But this font is not available in your 'Al Quran' app.
So I'm proposing to include this font in your flagship 'Al Quran' app. You can do this. But why will you do it?
Because this is the font published by Saudi Arabia Quran Complex in the quran mushafs. So I'm and people are used to reading those mushafs.
But none of the fonts used in the 'Al Quran' found in those mushafs.
Hope I made my request clear.
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
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