In iOS Arabic Mode Surah/ayah numbers aren’t aligned in the play audio selection screen
In Arabic Mode, Surah/ayah numbers aren’t aligned in the play audio selection screen.
Also, when reading in landscape version, was faced with an English header, which isn’t desired.
I also wished to download the Madani Mushaf with Tajweed but kept facing an error, not able to do download, and prompted that the version is not available. I then switched to English language default, before the download was successfully triggered.
Please see screenshots as attached. App is current version on iOS (iPhone 13 mini).
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Jubair (User Support)
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Thank you for the feedback. We’re currently working on rebuilding our iOS app. insha'Allah the new version will be ready within January/February.
The version update will address several bugs and include a variety of new improvements. All of these changes are made to improve your experience. We want to make the app easier to use and more reliable.
Jazakallah khair for your patience.
Tasnim (Customer Support Representative)
As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa rohmatullah,
Apologies for the delayed response! May Allaah reward you for your patience.
Are you still facing the issue? We have updated the app recently with several improvements. Kindly update to the latest version. If the issue persists, please try reinstalling the app and let us know if that solves the issue.