Inaccessible tafsir in iOS app
I have downloaded tafsir ibn Kathir and Ahsan ul bayan but it does not show. There are no check boxes to tick for it to show.!kindly help.
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Jubair (User Support)
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah,
Jazakallah khair for your helpful feedback. We’re currently working on a brand new version of our iOS app. Insha'Allah the update will be ready soon.
This update will fix many bugs and bring with it a lot of improvements.
Jazakallah Khair for your patience.
Jubair (User Support)
Merged in a post:
Unable to see Quran Tafsir
Unable to see any Tafsir on iPhone XS Max with iOS 18 even after downloading Tafsir Ibn Kathir and Ahsan Ul bayan
Taheratul Muattara
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah.
JazakAllahu khairan for reaching out to us! Please share a screenshot/screen recording of the issue that you are facing. It will help us identify the bug faster in sha Allah.
iPhone XS Max 256 GB
iOS 18
There are no check boxes against the Tafsir option so I think that is why it can’t be displayed on the Quran and translation page.
Taheratul Muattara
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah.
JazakAllahu khairan for reaching out to us! We are sorry to hear about the issue you are facing. We want to investigate this issue further.
Please share with us the following details:
- Device model and iOS version
- App version
- Screen recording of the issue via Google Drive link
These would help us identify the bug faster in shaa Allah.