Malayalam translation verse mapping- not matching
Assalamu alaikum wr wb.
It's a great app and better than any other.
I noticed some bug in translation of Malayalam where in Sura Ankabut verse 10, 11 the Malayalam (Karakunnu) translation is not the correct one for that particular verse. The English is fine. It could be technical error.
Please review
May Allah bless all Ummah
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As-salāmu ʿalaikum wa rahmatullah,
Sorry for the late reply, hope you are doing well.
It has been fixed on the server.
Jazakallah khairan for bringing the issue to our attention.
in progress
Araf Mohammad Mahbub
Merged in a post:
Translation Errors
In Malayalam translation
' Malayalam - Karakkunnu/Elayavoor' version, some of the ayat meanings are totally wrong.
Surah Al Ankabut - Ayats from 9 - 12 shows wrong meanings in this translation.
You can find the proper meanings in the below website from the same ' Malayalam - Karakkunnu/Elayavoor' translation.
You can make sure whether the meanings are correct or not with google translation.
You are doing a great serivice by making these apps. Jazakallah Khairan.