Just as the title. I don't know why my account have 2 last read bookmark. But I think I know how. So the story is...
  1. I downloaded the Quran app then I login using google with my 1st google account.
  2. I used it some days. Then I decided to switch to my 2nd google account. At this time I still only have 1 last read.
  3. I downloaded your Hadith Collection app then I try to login using google, but there was no such button. So I created your site account using the same 2nd Google account's email.
  4. At the Quran app I also switched from login with google to login using email.
  5. I have 2 last read now. Sometimes the app is confused to pick which last read bookmark to give to me.
Hope you all the best, and also hope Allah give you all the best jannah by creating this amazing app. Thank you!